Monday Monday
Ok well as you all will notice it nearly 15 minutes till 8 and yes I'm still at work! I'm about to leave though, I just thought I'd blog before I packed up. The day started off on a slow start being as I was about 30 minutes late for work this morning!!!! I had 3 different alarms set and never heard one of them. Dad's morning phone call at 5 till 7 finally woke me up!! I'm not sure what was wrong with me, I even went to bed early and everything! Oh yeah it could have something to do with the fact that I had little to no sleep on saturday night!!! Between the dog, Chad's late night clicking on the computer and then the children up and going about 6:30 not much sleeping going on!!! And yes I know never get sleep!!! But you should be used to it by now!! Ha Ha!!! Anyway, back to Monday! After actually getting to work, the day hasn't been so bad, just long I guess!! I have worked on one thing all day long, and finally got finished about 10 minutes ago!!! Woo Hoo!!! Ok well as much as everyone would love for me to continue my babbling about my ever so glamorous life...I must be going!!! Goodnight All!!!!