Sunday, January 28, 2007

It's Snowing!!

Well it seems as though you all have slowed down on your posting!! What's going on? Anyway, I've been snowed in pretty much all day today and I'm telling ya if I don't soon get out they may have to widen my door to get me out!! It seems as though all I have done today was eat and eat and eat some more! I have to stop this. And Jen I'm sure that's hard for you to believe considering I rarely have food in my house, but I went to the grocery store this morning and I've just about eat everything I bought I think! Oh well! It's still snowing here and the wind is just plain awful! I think it's supposed to get down into the low teens tonight so I'll freeze to death in this house! It just isn't possible to keep it warm. I went to knoxville yesterday and I bought some new makeup. It's called M.A.C. I used it today and I like it pretty good. They have it at Belk well just the stores the used to be Profitts I think. I was kinda shocked at the price of it. It's really not any more expensive than Merle Norman which is what I was using. Their little station is really neat!! You all should check it out sometime. The girl put liquid makeup on me with a brush, I had never heard of that! She told me not to use a sponge to put on foundation because you waste so much makeup and I had never really thought about it but I guess she's right. I'm gonna check with Avon to get a brush, because the brush they sell is $32 and I couldn't spring for that, it was more than the makeup itself! Well I guess I've rambled enough, it's time for Desparate Housewives. Tonight will be the first full episode that I have watched all season because I've had no football to watch!!!! Hope everyone has a great week! Sorry you didn't get snow Jen!!!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Well hello all! First of all I must say that Jamie, I do like the hair! Just keep it out of a ponytail for awhile!!!!! Please! Ok, now on to my day! Well I went to work early, i've went in at 7 the last two days. I've been so proud of myself. I take this stuff in spells ya know. Some weeks it's all I can do to get myself there by 8:15(and yes i should be there at 8) And then there are times like now when I'm up and ready to go by about 6:30. Kinda wondering if maybe I'm bi-polar or something, cause don't they do stuff like that! Anyway, I had a pretty stressful day at work but it got interesting after I came home. As always when I get home from work I always go to mom and dad's(dad always done the same thing with granny and pa) but back to the story. I'm not really sure how it all got started but we got to talking about "the family" and past things that have happened needless to say that got ugly. I know I've always said that I wasn't sure how the four of us turned out so sain(well for the most part anyway)with all the crazyheads in the bunch, but now i'm really thinking that Jen and I are just a miracle because we were just double dosed. Between the Cooper's and the Cravens' I'm really not sure how we ever made through school! Makes me feel a little better about myself!! Even dad said he was impressed that we turned out so well considering the alternative! Oh and don't mention this conversation to the parents I'm sure it's not something we're all supposed to discuss! Anyway, the topic was Pa Cooper, and well I had no idea how much my mother disliked Aaron Warden! We went through all the terrible things he did and well mom pretty much called him a liar and said his kids were just like him!! He's where they get there craziness from!!! You all may have known this but I didn't, I mean i've heard a few stories! Oh and Stacey the reason your mom didn't like him was because of the church but i don't think it was stealing money from the church! Something to do with him going to the bank to borrow money against it or sell it or something, mom couldn't remember. Anyway, Peggy and Betty found out what he was gonna do and they were waiting on him at the bank and didn't let him go in! Pretty funny huh? And I can so see this happening!! Oh and I didn't know that Pa Cooper once was a drunk...and don't mention that out loud cause my mom gets pretty upset about it! She got mad at dad tonight and told him to just hush cause she didn't wanna hear it!!! they are so funny! The conversation ended abruptly when mom began to expose dad's past!! Suddenly he needed to go shower! Funny how that worked out! Anyway, didn't mean to ramble, but Jamie you said you wanted to know my business well you got it!! Typical day in the life of a troubled 24 year old!! Oh and I'm gonna try my best to remember to ask about Gary T and his new girlfriend tomorrow! I think Myla might know about it! Have a good night!!

Thursday, January 11, 2007


ok this one is gonna be short cause i'm still at work, but anyway Jen I just thought I'd let you know that yes, I was referring to the Rick situation. And I'm glad YOU'RE happy, maybe i'll get that way soon!! Jamie, glad everything is ok!! Also, Jen call me tomorrow after your tests!!!! All for now, might add a little later!!! I believe Grey's Anatomy is new???????

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I'm Here

Ok well i'm back...once again and well this time I'm gonna try my best to keep up with everyone but I guess i just dont have a lot to say these days. Nothing much going on. Except for tonight of course. And Jen you will be glad to know that I finally bit the bullet and decided to get out of this mucked up mess i've gotten myself into. Stacey, you may be lost but i'm sure jen and jamie can fill you in. It's a bit more difficult than I had hoped it would be. But as hard as it is to see right now, i'm sure it's for the best. Jamie, I know you've just been waiting on me to break and well, I think I have. I have a lot to sort through right now, things were a little more serious than I had tried let on. It wasn't all fun and games i guess. And I only have myself to blame! But i've been here before, so I should know what to do huh? And I did read your blog Jamie and Jen's right, try not to get to upset about the face thing, just as Jen said ya don't even notice it now. But yes, I know that's easy for us to say, things are much more simple when you're looking in from the outside. And yes, I will add you to my prayer list. And I think you all need to add me yours because I need a little help right now myself. Everyone you should say a prayer that maybe just maybe one of these days I'll finally get this whole thing right. Well that's probably where I should stop. I'm sure you all are utterly confused, so see why I don't blog much!!!! Hope everyone has a great weekend