Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Stuck Inside

Ok well as everyone knows I'm sure, I'm stuck in the house on a beautiful day! What a good day to be sick???? Anyway, I survived my stay at the JRMC. Not much fun but I made it! I begged Dr. Joshi yesterday to let me come home and I won! Now I don't know if that was really the smartest thing to do, but I don't like that place! I'm feeling a little better today, but to be honest being inside all day hasn't really bothered me that bad cause I don't really feel like getting out of the house! The only problem is that I eat when I'm here, and I don't need to be doing that! I know you guys are gonna panic when I say this, but if all is well in the morning I'm gonna go try to get my hair fixed. I don't like the flaming red and that's pretty much what it is right now. So I called yesterday, and Marsha is out of town, but Stephanie is gonna do it! If possible i'm gonna just try to go back to the normal thing (if i know what that is) and do the whole highlight thing. That seems to be everyone's pick anyway! I also hate the cut! I told Jamie last night I wanted to get extensions, I don't really know that much about them. Other than what Jen went through, and I know she doesn't recommend it! And Stacey, I know you've checked in on it so if you don't mind I'd like you to share your thoughts. I tried to look it up on the internet but I just can't seem to find out much about them. So please share!!! Well I think I"m gonna go finish getting ready (for what I don't know). Dad has allowed me to get out of the house but only if i'm back in before dark. So i might try to go to the tanning bed a little later. That always seems to make me feel better, seems like it dries up the sinuses. Of course that could be becuase it's cooking me from the inside out!! But hey whatever works I guess! I watched "the break-up" and "over the hedge" both are really good, if you haven't seen them you should watch them. I'm gonna probaby watch "the lake house" tonight! I've heard mixed reviews on this one, so I'll let you know! See ya

Friday, October 13, 2006

JACKIE BOY!!!!!!!!!!


Ok well I hadn't been to the doctor in over a year and tomorrow will make my third time in one week! Yep you heard me, gotta go back again. I went back today cause I'm worse now than I was the first trip and I got two more shots! He also told me that not only was I getting two more today but I have to go back tomorrow and get two more. Yes that will be six shots in what 4 days! I know Jen, you and Chad think my MD is a quack but oh well! He hasn't killed me yet!!!! The shots today have seemed to help, cause I don't feel half as bad or sound as bad tonight as I did this morning! The only problem is that the shots I got today have made me kinda's like I can't hold my eyes shut to sleep, I can't sit still and my mouth just doesn't seem to wanna move fast enough!!! Anyway, hopefully I will be all better after the sticks tomorrow! Myla and I had actually planned on going shopping tomorrow, but I'm not sure if we'll make with my sickness! We had talked about coming to Murfreesboro, so if we come that way I'll be sure to let you all know! If I leave I'm sure I'll have to fight mom and dad but you know me, I can't stand to sit still! And I'm definitely not used to hanging around the house all day! Too much time to think and well we all know what happens when ya think too much!

Ok and I read Jen's blog and well I do have mixed feelings about the whole teaching profession. Yes my first thoughts were that they are definitely underpaid, but then I thought NO these idiots actually CHOSE this profession, which I must say causes me to question their sanity!!!!! This includes you too Jen!!! No seriously, I guess you have to be a pretty special person to become a teacher because you obviously aren't in it for the money!

And by the way, my hair color, yeah it's not the same anymore. And no I haven't had it colored but it is fading so fast...i'm just pretty much a flaming red head these days! And I must say...I'm not liking it!!! But hopefully it will be gone soon enough. The next time I go back I'm just gonna go for the old days and go back lighter! I know it's fall and the dark thing is in right now, but I'm not talking about going platinum or anything just some brown with highlights I guess! Of course this is my thinking right now, I'll change my mind fifteen times before I have it done probably! Oh yeah Rhonda has joined the brunette bandwagon. She's colored and cut her hair. She's actually on her way here right now so I can straighten it. I can't wait to see how it looks. I wish she could learn to straighten it herself because it looks so good like that! I'll have to let you guys know how it goes!!!! Oh one more thing before I go....I HATE MY HAIRCUT TOO!!! Don't know why, but for some reason it's just driving me crazy!!!! But I suppose I'll have to live with it cause I don't really need to go any shorter or I will be bald!!!! (unlike Ashton, I don't wanna be bald) Mom told me about his little accident today!!!

Well I guess I'll be going now, guess ya'll can tell the shots are still working!!! Seeing as I've just been rambling about useless information that no one probably cares about but anyway!!!! I've rented 3 movies and maybe I can sit still long enough to watch at least one of them!! Ta Ta for now!! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!!!

oh yes and it is friday night, i'm 24 years old and the highlight of my evening is blogging to you guys!!! How cool am i?????

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Hello Everyone!!

Well I'm sure everyone knows by now that I made back from the fieldtrip alive!! Barely, but I made it! No actually it really wasn't that bad I guess! At the time it was a little overwhelming but after the initial shock wore off it really didn't seem that bad! I must say though Jen, you should be proud because Hannah is definitely one of the most well behaved in the class!! I don't know if it was the trip or what but I've managed to catch some type of bug along the way. So I'm feeling a bit under the weather right now. I got two shots yesterday and for some reason I feel worse today than I did before I went to the doctor. I thought you were supposed to feel better after seeing the doc but apparently not!!! Right now I feel like I've been ran over by a truck and I feel like every part of my body weighs 1000 pounds each!!! Ok well it's time for Grey's Anatomy so I'm gonna run! Hope all is well!! See ya!

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Well everyone should be excited this is my second day in a row that I have blogged!! Yeah for me!!! Anyway today was my late day at work! Went in at 12 and didn't get off till 8! I kinda like those hours for every now and then but it's not something I would want to do all the time! Well I got my hair done today and as some of you know it's very dark! And Hannah told on Jen. She came in the house and told me that her momma said that my hair looked like the leaves! Thanks Sis!!! I'm still getting used to the color myself but I think I'm gonna like it! Dad of course hated it but if it's not blonde he doesn't like it!!!! Well Jamie I don't think I talked to you after the Dr. appointment hope everything went ok and also I sent you a text and you never replied!! So did everyone watch Grey's Anatomy!!! Do you all know what I would give to be on Meredith's end now??? I hope my situation works out like know she spent all last season trying to get him...and now she has TWO trying to get her!!! Now that's a life!!! Well I guess I'll go now, I'm gonna try to catch some ER haven't seen any of the new episodes!! Blog at ya later!!!!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I'M BACK!!!!!

Hello everyone!! You all will be glad to know that I am officially up and running!!!! From my home!!!! I finally got my computer fixed so I can now blog anytime, and I don't have to do it on the company!!! I was starting to feel a little left out here!!! But hey what's new!!!! Anyway, I'm not so sure that have my computer up and running was such a good idea, i'm afraid i'll never sleep!! It can be an addiction you know!! OK I have a hair appointment tomorrow and i have no idea what i'm gonna do it!! Don't know if I wanna cut it more or what...I don't even know what color I wanna do! So if anyone has suggestions please post them before 9am in the morning!! I'm open to suggestions!! I'm thinking the "mimi do" from Days! I've always loved her hair!!!! Well guess that's all for tonight! Not really alot going on in my world!!!! Same drama just a different day I guess!!! Maybe just maybe one of these days my story will change!!! We all just need to keep praying I guess!! Ta Ta for now!!!